Calculating Carbon Emissions: Reach Your Sustainability Goals With Brightly Software from Siemens

11th Mar 2024

Hannah Winstanley, General Manager & Country Lead UK at Brightly Software, explores how digital asset management tools are becoming increasingly important in highways managers’ efforts for moving towards a greener future

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As climate change continues to be a pressing global issue, local authorities – particularly those operating in highways and transportation management – are increasingly recognising their responsibility to take action. 

Digital asset management tools, such as our very own Confirm Enterprise Asset Management solution, are playing a pivotal role in the fight against climate change by tracking the emissions generated by vehicles, buildings, materials, waste and more, while maintaining a local authority’s assets – thereby enabling them to make informed decisions and monitor progress made towards their carbon reduction goals.

Beyond this, our leading asset management solution can help local highways departments to use asset data to operate more efficiently, make accurate and strategic decisions, enhance communication between councils and their communities, and save resources.

Safety First

At Brightly, we recognise that safety is paramount for local authorities who, of course, want to minimise risks on their roads. Through the monitoring and preventative maintenance of multiple road-related assets – from streetlights, to pavements, roads, pedestrian crossings, park benches, trees, bins and more – as well as timely, appropriate responses to issues flagged by the community, local authorities can ensure their environment is a safe, enjoyable place to live and their roads remain safe. 

Part of this element of safety includes communities having clean enough air to breathe and live in, and our software can help local authorities to monitor this.

Overcome Challenges in Carbon Reduction 

Measuring carbon emissions and assessing progress toward reduction goals can be challenging due to the complex and interconnected nature of assets and the data that they generate. However, assets’ data obtained by Brightly is made more digestible, so comprehensible reports can easily be generated. 

Brightly Confirm also contains a tool called CarbonZero that is aligned to the Future Highways Research Group (FHRG) methodology and is based on the UK government’s greenhouse gas conversion factors. The solution enables its users to see exactly which activities are most highly contributing to their carbon footprint – for example, identifying and reducing carbon intensive operations during highway maintenance. This helps them to make informed, strategic, evidence-based decisions moving forwards.

Powerful Functionalities 

Software from Brightly, including its CarbonZero tool, provides key functionalities that can help highways managers to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. These include:

     1. A Proven Standard

Our CarbonZero solution is based on the FHRG’s methodology for recording emissions in local highways authorities. FHRG provides the industry with a standard method for calculating and recording carbon emissions.

     2. Real-time Monitoring 

Brightly and the CarbonZero tool offer real-time monitoring, so local authorities can continuously track their assets’ energy usage and emissions. This enables them to promptly take action if there are deviations from their reduction goals.

     3. Scenario Modelling

Our software has the capability to create scenarios and assess the impact of local authorities’ various carbon reduction strategies. For example: the outcome when using different types of servicing vehicles and the materials used during repairs. This allows authorities to optimise their resources and implement the most cost effective and/or energy efficient solutions.

     4. Analytics

Our software is also equipped with advanced data analytics, which are capable of processing huge datasets to identify trends and patterns. This can, in turn, help local authorities to make data-driven decisions based on their carbon reduction goals and other strategies.

     5. Data Management

The Brightly suite allows our users to centralise data collected from their assets. This includes information about each assets’ condition, maintenance requirements, energy consumption, and more. Having all of their data in one place simplifies and speeds up the process of tracking and analysing carbon emissions.

Looking forward

A growing number of local authorities face the challenge of operating and delivering the same, continued services to their communities, while dealing with shrinking budgets. Our software can help them to overcome this challenge by recording and centralising their assets’ data, and enabling preventative maintenance through more accurate control of resources. 

As local authorities continue to tackle the pressing issue of climate change, Brightly is proving to be a valuable tool to calculate and report carbon emissions on their roads. Our asset management software’s advanced analytics capabilities are empowering local authorities to make informed decisions, track their progress and contribute to a more sustainable future – for their local communities and the world. 

Looking forward, digital asset management tools such as those from Brightly will play an increasingly important role in the journey towards a carbon-neutral society.

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