
As part of its policy and technical activities, CIHT responds to consultations and policy statements from Government and other bodies. 

Responses are prepared with reference to agreed internal policy statements, seeking input from the relevant technical experts, regions and wider membership as appropriate.  CIHT also responds jointly with other organisations where it is appropriate to do so.

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If you have an interest on or wish to flag a particular consultation, or would like to get involved in CIHT responses to consultations please contact CIHT’s Policy and Technical Team on t: +44 (0)20 7336 1563 or e:

All comments or contributions received will be considered for inclusion in the CIHT formal response. Please include personal details including your membership number and the company/organisation you work for.

Open consultations 

There are currently no open consultations. 

Answered Consultations

CIHT have responded to the following stakeholder consultations below.  

See consultation responses from the Scottish Policy Forum here.


2024 Consultation Responses

September 2024- ORR’s Holding National Highways to account: policy consultation

September 2024 - The Chartered Institution for Highways and Transportation’s response to the ‘Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system’consultation 

August 2024 - CIHT Autumn Spending Review submission

May 2024- CIHT response to the Department for Transport’s strategy “Fit for a changing climate? Adapting the UK’s transport system”. 

May 2024 - Implementing LTNs draft guidance CIHT response 

March 2024 - Consultation on Street works: fines and lane rental surplus funds

January 2024 - Consultation on ‘Rail and Urban Transport Review’

2023 Consultation Responses

October 2023 - CIHT response to 'Freight, logistics and the planning system in England' consultation

July 2023 - CIHT response to 'Local Living and 20-minute neighbourhoods' Scottish Government consultation

June 2023- CIHT response to Shaping the future of England's strategic Roads 

June 2023 - CIHT response to 'A pro-innovation approach to AI regulation'

June 2023 - CIHT response to the Infrastructure Levy Consultation 

June 2023 - CIHT response to the National Networks National Policy Statement

May 2023 - CIHT response to a zero emission vehicle (ZEV) mandate and CO2 emissions regulation for new cars and vans in the UK

May 2023 - CIHT response to the ICE Consultation on National Transport Strategy 

March 2023 - CIHT response to the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill: reforms to national planning policy 

February 2023 - CIHT response to the Transport Select Committee on Our future transport 

February 2023 - CIHT response to the Transport Select Committee on Strategic Road Investment

January 2023 - CIHT response to Consultation Cardiff Central to Newport Road Via Cardiff Bay Transport Link

2022 Consultation Responses

December 2022 - CIHT response to Cycling Framework for Active Travel – Impact Assessments Consultation

September 2022 - CIHT response to Strategic road network and the delivery of sustainable development (circular 02/2013)

June 2022 - CIHT response to One network, one timetable, one ticket: planning buses as a public service for Wales 

May 2022 - CIHT response to Wales Roads Review – Initial Panel Report 

May 2022 - CIHT response to Transport Labour Market  Skills consultation

April 2022 - CIHT Scotland response to the STPR2 consultation

March 2022 - CIHT Scotland response to the NPF4 consultation

March 2022 - CIHT response to consultation on the Cardiff to Newport Active Travel and Bus Corridor

February 2022 - CIHT response to consultation on the Cardiff Local Development Plan (2021-2036)

February 2022 - Great British Railways WISP Call for Evidence Response

February 2022 - National Infrastructure Commission The Second National Infrastructure Assessment consultation response 

January 2022 - CIHT Northern Ireland All-Island Strategic Rail Review Public Consultation

2021 Consultation Responses

December 2021 - CIHT Response to RCIB Consultation

September 2021 - CIHT Comprehensive Spending Response Submission

May 2021 - CIHT Response to the Department for Transport's Safe use rules for Automated Vehicles

April 2021 - CIHT Response to the Transport Select Committee's Smart Motorway inquiry and transcript of evidence session

March 2021 - CIHT Response to the Law Commission's Automated Vehicles Consultation 3

March 2021- CIHT Response to MHCLG consultation on National Planning Policy Framework and National Model design Code

March 2021 - CIHT Response to the Cabinet Office's Transforming Public Procurement Consultation

February 2021 - CIHT Response to the Transport Select Committee's Zero Emission Vehicles and Road Pricing inquiry

January 2021 - CIHT Response to the Transport Select Committee's Major Transport Infrastructure Projects inquiry

January 2021 - CIHT response to the Department for Transport Future of Transport: Rural Strategy- Call for evidence 

2020 Consultation Responses

December 2020 - CIHT Response to DfT's Union Connectivity Review

October 2020 - CIHT Response to MHCLG consultation on planning for the future White Paper 

October 2020 - CIHT Response to DfT Roads policing review: call for evidence 

October 2020 - CIHT Response to the Review of The Highway Code to improve road safety for
cyclists, pedestrians and horse riders

February 2020 - CIHT pre-budget submission to HM Treasury

February 2020 - CIHT Response to ORR's consultation on holding Highways England to account

February 2020 - CIHT Response to Automated Vehicle Regulatory Consultation 2

February 2020 - CIHT Response to the Climate Change Committee's consultation to the Sixth Carbon Budget

July 2020 - CIHT Response to Future of Transport Regulatory Review

July 2020 - CIHT Response to the County APPG and CCN's Health of the bus market inquiry

September 2020 - CIHT Representation to Comprehensive Spending Review 2020

2017 Consultation Responses

December 2017 - CIHT response to Transport Committee inquiry into Mobility-as-as-Service

December 2017 - Local Bus Services Consultation Response (Scotland)

November 2017 - Free Bus Travel Consultation Response (Scottish Policy Forum)

30 November - CIHT response to building Scotland's low emission zones 

15 November - CIHT response to the Accessibility Action Plan 15 November 

8 November 2017 - CIHT response to DfT Planning for the right homes in the right places

9 November 2017 - CIHT response to the Improving air quality inquiry

28 October 2017 - CIHT response to the road works consultation - Future of lane rental

12 October 2017 - CIHT comments on improving quality of road works (Scotland) 

2 October 2017 - CIHT response to NICE Physical activity and the environment (update)
15 September 2017 - CIHT response to National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) – New Technology Study
14 August 2017 - CIHT comment on the Scottish Planning System
26 July 2017 - CIHT comment on the Transport Investment Strategy

15 June 2017 - CIHT response to the DEFRA/DfT consultation tackling nitrogen dioxide in our towns and cities

25 May 2017 – CIHT’s response to ‘Draft Airports National Policy Statement

2 May 2017 – CIHT’s response to ‘Fixing our broken housing market

18 April 2017 – CIHT’s response to Building our Industrial Strategy

6 April 2017 – CIHT’s response to the Scottish Planning System Consultation     

28 February 2017 – CIHT’s response to the Scotland Consultation on Rail Infrastructure Strategy from 2019 

10 February 2017 – CIHT’s response to the National Infrastructure Commission call for evidence 

25 January 2017 – CIHT response to NICE - Air Pollution, Outdoor Air Quality and Health


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