You will need to be a CIHT member to apply for professional registration. Find out how much you can get out of CIHT Membership and how it can supercharge your career!
Richard Austin, WSP
Take a moment to read the Engineering Council's case study which features CIHT member Catherine Downes as she discusses how EngTech registration has benefited her career.
Read Case StudyIf you are interested in applying for EngTech registration through CIHT, please complete our quick and simple online initial assessment so that the CIHT Education Team can confirm your eligibility.
The academic benchmark is:
an approved level 3 or level 6 SCQF qualification
a minimum of 3 years experience within the sector.
The online initial assessment form is free of charge for members and non-members.
Start your initial assessment todayIf you decide to apply for EngTech registration through CIHT, you must first become a member at Associate or Member grade.
Becoming a member will give you access to a range of benefits that will support you in your journey towards qualifications, including vital CPD opportunities and access to further support and mentoring. Click here to find out how CIHT can support you throughout your career. If you have any queries about membership, please email
Become a Member
If your initial assessment outcome e-mail confirms that you are eligible to apply for EngTech Professional Review, the next stage in the assessment process is to submit a Portfolio of Evidence. Our online application form allows you to track your progress and build up your Portfolio of Evidence before you are finally ready to submit.
You will also need to attend a Professional Review interview to demonstrate that you have reached the EngTech competence standard set by the Engineering Council. Please click here for information on upcoming submission deadlines, interview dates and fees.
Apply for EngTech Professional ReviewThe criteria against which candidates are assessed are outlined in the Engineering Council's 'The UK Standard for Professional Engineering and Competence and Commitment' document (4th edition).
Find out more about the requirements of EngTech by referring to pages 19-23 of UK-SPEC.
UK-SPEC, 4th Edition
Watch this video to see if you are eligible to use CIHT’s new online Professional Review application service for EngTech, IEng or CEng registration.
If you are eligible for professional review, check out this video to find out how to apply using our new online application service.
Additional memberships exist where the registrant has been awarded their title (e.g. CEng) by two separate institutions. The Engineering Council only issues one certificate on initial registration. However, secondary certificates can be purchased via the Engineering Council’s website.
Find out more and apply todayHolding more than one professional registration at the same time, , is known as dual registration. Dual registrations exist where a registrant has been awarded more than one of the Engineering Council’s titles (e.g. EngTech and IEng or IEng and CEng) and each of these has been awarded by a different institution. The Engineering Council issues dual registrants with a certificate for each title.
Dual registration is therefore only possible for those registered with separate titles, via separate institutions, paying separate registration fees for each title. To find out more contact
Support your journey to EngTech with our online learning platform CIHTLearn. Members have access to free and low cost online training as well as a tool to plan and record CPD. We have mapped the modules against UK-SPEC so it is easy for you to find the modules that will help you. This includes a highly recommended ‘Preparing for Professional Review’ module.
CIHT Learn modules for EngTech applicantsFor any queries, please contact or call +44 (0)20 7336 1555 and select the extension for the education department.
Office opening hours are 9.00 to 17.00 GMT.
You will need to be a CIHT member to apply for professional registration. Find out how much you can get out of CIHT Membership and how it can supercharge your career!