Last week, representatives from the public and private sector took part in an engaging workshop with the Transport for the North (TfN) policy and strategy team to discuss various implementation tools emerging from the latest Strategic Transport Plan.
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In small groups, attendees provided feedback on the emerging TfN Appraisal Playbook aimed at providing better guidance for case-making in the north of England, as well as the People and Places framework for implementing successful schemes.
The TfN team are grateful to our membership for the feedback and hope to integrate it into their implementation plans over the next few months.
We would like to thank the presenters from TfN, Katie Day and Danielle Bassan. And thanks to the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) for hosting the workshop in their refurbished facilities.
This event was organised by CIHT Yorkshire & the Humber. To find out more about event in the region visit:
For those who missed the workshop, please keep an eye on the events listing as we are hoping to arrange a webinar with TfN in the near future:
Join other savvy professionals just like you at CIHT. We are committed to fulfilling your professional development needs throughout your career
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