Latest CIHT Activity

10th Nov 2023

The last few weeks have seen CIHT busy with various activities and stakeholder engagements. Below is a summary of some of the highlights:

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These have included meetings with Sonia Byers, CEO from Women in Transport and Margaret Winchcomb, Deputy Executive Director from PACTS on working together. We have met with TfL’s Bus Design team and their Women in Bus and Coach Network. Had our monthly catch-up with the Department for Transport, Transport Planning Society and Royal Town Planning Institute.  

We have released our latest report on the role of data and artificial intelligence in tackling climate change and achieving net-zero -  a blog on ‘The role of asphalt in sustainable road-building’  and the write-up of our roundtable on advancing cargo bike solutions.

External engagements have included attending the ICE Presidential Dinner that was looking at the National Infrastructure Assessment 2, and a NPSA Terrorism in the Public Realm roundtable. 

A podcast was released on ‘Designing and providing inclusive transport services & mobility rights’ with Bert Bailie, CIHT Technical Champion.

Released the latest in our 8-question series where we spoke to:

Internal discussions

Held the latest of our Board of Trustees meetings where the agenda included the approval of the Institution’s budget for 2024. We held the editorial meeting for Transportation Professional’s January / Feb edition which will have a focus on Resilience. 

Membership & Qualifications

The last few weeks has seen our latest round of professional reviews for members hoping to gain their professional qualifications in CEng, IEng, EngTech and CTPP– good luck to all involved. We have given presentations on membership and CPD to Arup, WSP, Ramboll and Systra. The team helped to develop and attended the launch of the Engineering Council’s neurodiversity guidance for professional registration.


We held our Bus Centre of Excellence Quality Bus: Supporting Generation Bus event, President Karen McShane spoke at the 1000 women in bus and coach conference and Vice-President Glenn Lyons spoke on ‘What is climate action and your role in making a change’ at the UWE Green Fortnight. The joint ICE, CIHT and CILT 'Design for transport in Wales: a new direction' event took place on the 9 November. A report on that is avaiable here. We held a roundtable with PACTS that looked at greater consistency in speed management.

6-10 November is Tomorrow’s Engineers Week – CIHT is a proud supporter and has been posting messages across our networks. 

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