Minor structures guidance published by lighting group

27th Aug 2019

Highway managers responsible for the upkeep of street furniture including lamp posts, traffic signal poles and signs are urged to consult a new asset management toolkit produced by the Institution of Lighting Professionals. Its guidance note 22: Asset Management Toolkit: Minor Structures (ATOMS) was launched on 12 June and is available to download for free at the ILPs website.

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Highway managers responsible for the upkeep of street furniture including lamp posts, traffic signal poles and signs are urged to consult a new asset management toolkit produced by the Institution of Lighting Professionals.
Its guidance note 22: ‘Asset Management Toolkit: Minor Structures’ (ATOMS) was launched on 12 June and is available to download for free at the ILP’s website.
ATOMS was supported by the Department for Transport and produced in association with the UK Lighting Board, Highway Electrical Association and Transport for London. It has been developed following the UKRLG’s ‘Well Managed Highway Infrastructure’ Code of Practice to help everyone with a responsibility for such assets to effectively manage them in line with the code.
The document updates and supersedes ILP Technical Report 22 ‘Managing a Vital Asset: Lighting Supports’, which is now withdrawn.
The main points of ATOMS are to confirm that columns supporting luminaires, signals and CCTV are now defined as minor structures and are to be considered, assessed and managed as such.
A column condition index has been developed and the document also advises how an asset owner can develop an assumed residual life value for the lighting column, allowing them to plan and budget effectively for the future. UK Lighting Board chair David Denner said the new document gives an “opportunity to align the inspection and testing of lighting assets with those of other highway assets as minor structures”.
To download the document, visit theilp.org.uk/atoms
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