CIHT Awards 2024: How to increase your chances of success

29th Jan 2024

Do you want to position your organisation as a leader in the key areas that are critical to your stakeholders and prospective clients? CIHT Awards is a great way to achieve this for free.

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You do not want to see your competition celebrating at the CIHT Awards or have to explain to senior management why your team did not take part as your rivals take the plaudits, publicity and enhance their tenders.

With thirteen categories there are several categories that can represent your organisation's achievements and gives you a platform to tell your story.

Do not worry.  There is plenty of time to enter the awards.  We have made the application process as easy as possible to enable you to showcase your work as effectively as possible.

To help you increase your chance of success we have produced an entry guide to help shape or fine-tune your entries.  The guide includes tips, best practice and what the judges are looking for.  This simple guide helps you at every stage of your entries..

Access the Entry Guide

>>> Access the Entry Guide

To get you started as quickly as possible we have produced short videos from two of the judges,  former CIHT president Deborah Sims BSc (Hons), MSc, FCIHT, CEng, Hon MSoRSA, PGCertHE, FHEA and Teresa Jolley Creative Director at DEFT153, to ensure you are set-up for success.


Start your entry today

With thirteen categories there are several categories that can represent your organisation's achievements and gives you a platform to tell your story.

>>> Start your entry today


Next Steps

The CIHT Awards is an annual global competition that provides the work you are most proud of with the international recognition it deserves. The awards celebrate your innovative work, what it takes to be the best and the incredible benefits your work and the highways and transportation sector bring to society.

Your role is to produce incredible work, our role is to celebrate best practice, promote your professionalism and give it the biggest stage.

There is no obstacle to enter.  It is free to enter and you do not have to be a CIHT member to enter.  There are no trick questions.  No project too big or too small and we welcome entries from any location. 

>>> Start your entry today
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