Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan is set by the WRA Executive Committee every four years. This follows progress reports on the previous four years' work at the World Road Congress and a consideration of the most important aspects of roads/road transport concerning member governments.

2012-15 Strategic Plan

Strategic Theme 1: Management and Performance

TC 1.1 Performance of Transport Administrations
TC 1.2 Financing
TC 1.3 Climate Change and Sustainability
TC 1.4 Road Transport System Economics and Social Development
TC 1.5 Risk Management

Strategic Theme 2: Access and Mobility

TC 2.1 Road Network Operations
TC 2.2 Improved Mobility in Urban Areas
TC 2.3 Freight Transport
TC 2.4 Winter Service
TC 2.5 Rural Road Systems and Accessibility to Rural Areas

Strategic Theme 3: Safety

TC 3.1 National Road Safety Policies and Programs
TC 3.2 Design and Operations of Safer Road Infrastructure
TC 3.3 Road Tunnels Operations
TF 1 Road Safety Manual Task Force
TF 2 Security Task Force

Strategic Theme 4: Infrastructure

TC 4.1 Management of Road Assets
TC 4.2 Road Pavements
TC 4.3 Road Bridges
TC 4.4 Earthworks and Unpaved Roads


Previous Strategic Plan information:

The 2008-11 Strategic Plan is available here:

 Strategic Plan 2008 - 2011

The 2008-11 Strategic Plan The new Strategic Plan highlights four themes representing the most important areas for development internationally. These themes are: 

Strategic Theme A: Sustainability of the Road Transport System
The Goal is to encourage the development of road transport policies and programmes that result in beneficial community outcomes for sustainable and safe mobility in economic, environmental and social terms, with special attention paid to energy issues and the mitigation of the impacts on climate from the road transport system. This theme has 4 Technical Committees.

Strategic Theme B: Improving Provision of Services Encourage the improvement of services provided to the community by improved operation of the road transport system, integration with other transport modes, good governance and a customer-oriented approach. This theme has 5 Technical Committees.

Strategic Theme C: Safety of the Road System Improve the safety and efficiency of the road system, including the movement of people and goods on the network, while effectively managing the risks associated with road transport operations and the natural environment. This theme has 4 Technical Committees.

Strategic Theme D: Quality of Road Infrastructure Improve the quality of road infrastructure through the effective management of assets in accordance with user expectations and managers' requests. This theme has 4 Technical Committees.

Strategic Planning Commission (SPC)

The SPC is key to ensuring PIARC contributes:

  • As an international forum in the roads and transport sector, and;
  • Contributes at a high level to the:
    • Enchancement of the global raods community
    • Underpinning economic growth
    • Social well-being

The SPC has a work programme to oversee and monitor implementation of the Current Strategic Plan:

  • 2008-2011 Cycle
  • Technical Committees
  • Themes Coordinators play a critical role

To read more about the SPC, please see the First Delegates Presentation on the SPC:

 Strategic Planning Commission Presentation

Terminology Committee

This Committee has various goals and potential outputs concerning the update of Terminology used by PIARC. These include, updating and circulating the PIARC electronic dictionary and Lexicon, updating Internet and Terminological services and developing tools to assist translation.

Whilst not linked to a specific theme each Technical Committee must appoint one terminology correspondent in order to revise terminological information and/or transmit specialized vocabulary in their areas of expertise.

For more information on the Technical Committees please visit the PIARC website.

Communications Commission

The Communications Commission is responsible for the development of a communications policy and a communications strategy for PIARC in accordance with its mission vision and values, and for their oversight and implementation. The commission also has direct responsibility for the Editorial Committee of Routes Roads magazine and the Committee on Terminology. 

The commission is responsible for PIARC's formal strategic planning process through which it shall oversee the development and implementation of PIARC'S work programme in accordance with its Vision Mission and Values.

The Commission is responsible for developing and overseeing the implementation of a financial strategy for PIARC. The committee is also responsible for supervising the accounting system of the organisation, allocating funds and making recommendations on financial matters.

The Commission is responsible for development of the Technological Exchanges and development policy and a technological exchanges and development strategy for PIARC in accordance with its vision mission and values. 

Each Strategic Theme has a Co-ordinator, a high-profile expert in the given area. Progress on the work programme for each Theme will be presented to Congress in the form of Activity Reports of the Technical Committees. A session on each theme at the Congress will include papers from acknowledged experts in the area and presentations on particular aspects of the work.
